Inventor Anonymous

By Kathleen Keith

They had it all, but it was taken from them. During the early 1900s, Cecil L. Snyder, a businessman, a husband, and a father, who was dedicated to his country, endured endless political injustices from governmental bodies, whose intentions were to bring him down. He was jailed continuously, like a common criminal. Cecil was first accused of being a petty racketeer and violating the Blue Sky Law. Then later, he was accused of violating antitrust laws and finally, with false accusations, they implied his connection to the Lindbergh baby kidnapping; all destroying his image.

The State of Michigan, a Sovereign Entity, infringes on his patented and copyrighted idea, the Automobile Title Registration, which was considered to be the biggest patent monopoly in the world. The stage is now set for a systematic takeover. Eventually, the rest of the states would infringe, and finally, the government would usurp his patent and copyright, stealing it away.


With the government bringing down their wrath, the entire family is thrust into utter poverty, suffering, and hunger. Eleanor, Cecil Snyder's oldest daughter, vividly describes her unbelievable childhood through her anguished tears of the family's hardships.

Living on Lake Shore Drive, they are cast into deplorable living conditions due to the actions of the government. Their lives would never be the same. Living in a constant state of flux, Eleanor and her siblings face cold hard realities, experiencing conditions and treatments beyond their control.


Meet Kathleen Keith

Working in the beauty industry for over forty years, as a hairstylist and a nail technician, this dedicated mom, raising a child with Down syndrome, has always been a strong advocate in righting wrongs. She now steps up as an author calling attention to the injustices within our government, bringing the truth forward.

I was born in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in the area surrounding the O’Hare Airport, in a small subdivision surrounded by cornfields. My mother, who was a dedicated wife, mother, and devout Christian woman, would lay the very foundation of Christian values now instilled in me. It is my faith in God that drives me to share this story about my grandfather and my mother’s family. I’ve known about my grandfather’s story since I was a young girl, from the many bits and pieces of information my mother shared with me about her life. It wasn’t until I had a very vivid dream that I was compelled to reveal this story.


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